Road Safety (Motorcyclists)

1/4 of all motorcycle injury and deaths are among 50 to 59-year-olds.1


In BC, approximately 2,118 vehicle crashes involving motorcycles occur annually, resulting in 1,418 injuries, 455 hospitalizations, and 43 deaths among motorcyclists.2,3

Males are more likely to be hospitalized or die as a result of a motorcycle crash (91% of deaths, 86% of hospitalizations).1 Fatalities happen most commonly on weekends and between late spring and early autumn, peaking in July and August.1,4

30 to 59-year-olds are at higher risk (57% of hospitalizations and 58% of deaths).3 

Risk Factors

  • Speed
  • Distracted drivers
  • Driver error/confusion
  • Alcohol
  • Wild animals
  • Failing to yield to right of way
  • Improper turning
  • Following too closely
  • Size and capacity of motorcycles that permit driving at high speeds

Older riders may be at increased risk of injury because they:

  • Are more likely to use higher-powered motorcycles
  • Have less experience riding motorcycles either as new or returning riders
  • Are more likely to experience a decline in physical and cognitive abilities, and may be unaware of these deficits1

Motorcycle injuries and deaths occur more often on weekends and in warm weather (June to September).1


  • Wear a helmet: Your helmet should meet recognized safety standards.
  • Don the gear: Wear an inflatable air jacket and good protective clothing.
  • Be mindful of the rules: Drive according to posted speed limits and road conditions. Brush up on BC’s helmet and seating laws.
  • Mind the brakes: Choose a ride with an anti-lock braking system (ABS). ABS can reduce your risk of being in a fatal crash.
  • Brush up on your skills: Practice emergency maneuvers and obstacle avoidance. Be familiar with your bike and how it handles.
  • Communicate your behaviour: Signal your intentions to other road users.
  • Know how a passenger changes the ride: A passenger adds extra weight to the bike and you will have to adjust your movement.

1. BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (2020). Injury Insight: Motorcycle Injuries in BC. Available from:

2. Data source: ICBC. Quick Statistics: Crashes and Casualty Crashes. 5-year average (2019-2022 for fatalities and 2019-2023 for injuries). Available from:

3. Injury Hospitalizations among motorcyclist, 2015-2019 annual average. Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Ministry of Health, BCIRPU Injury Data Online Tool, 2021.

4. BC Coroners Service Report: Motorcyclist Deaths 2012 – 2021. Available from:

5. ICBC. Motorcycle Safety. Available from:

6. ICBC. (2019). ​Motorcycle safety tips for new and experienced riders. Available from: