Poison Prevention Week is March 16–22, and we want to take the opportunity to talk about button battery safety.
Children under the age of six are at the highest risk of ingesting a button battery. From 2021 to 2023, the BC Drug and Poison Information Centre managed 159 cases of button battery exposures, with more than half of them (55%) involving babies and children ages five and under.
Learn more about button battery safety on our website and in our factsheet (PDF): How to recognize and respond if someone swallows a button battery, and how to prevent button battery poisoning.
Download our social media toolkit to share this information with your friends and family members.
Reports & Publications
We have archived our publications using the cIRcle database maintained by the University of British Columbia.
BCIRPU delivers formal education and training programs, seminars and workshops, and in partnership with Preventable, a public social marketing campaign.
For any other inquiries please email: bcinjury@bcchr.ca.