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A pedestrian is any person involved in an incident who, at the time of the incident, was not riding in or on a motor vehicle or bicycle. This includes being on foot, making adjustments to the outside of a vehicle, using a baby stroller, walker, wheelchair, roller skates, scooter, skateboard, skis, or sled. As a pedestrian, you can take some precautions to ensure your safety on the road.
In B.C., approximately 3,263 vehicle crashes involving pedestrians occur annually. Of these, about 72% (2,346 pedestrians) sustain injuries, and 53 pedestrians are killed.2
Road-related injuries and fatalities among pedestrians are most commonly seen in speed zones of 30-50 km/hr.3
Pedestrian injury hospitalization rates were highest among older adults aged 75 and over.4
Common contributing factors to pedestrian fatalities at these speeds are driver distraction and failing to yield to right-of-way.1
In 2023, the direct healthcare costs associated with transport incidents involving pedestrians in B.C. were $45 million. The indirect costs, reflecting the loss in societal productivity, amounted to $27 million. Together, these costs reached a total of $73 million, accounting for 13% of the overall costs from all transport incidents in BC.5
A survey is being conducted with British Columbians about their perceptions of safety while walking, running, and cycling in their immediate neighbourhood, and which modifications they feel would promote road safety.
This study is reviewing collision data from March 2017 to April 2023 in four Canadian cities (Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver) and across provinces. The study will determine the effects of implementing COVID-19 stay-at-home policies, relaxing these policies, and COVID-19 roadway mitigation strategies on road-related injuries and deaths.
1. ICBC. Be a safe pedestrian. Available from: https://www.icbc.com/road-safety/sharing/pedestrian-safety/Pages/pedestrian-infographic.aspx
2. Data source: ICBC. Quick Statistics: Crashes and Casualty Crashes. 5-year average from 2018-2022. Available from: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/icbc/viz/QuickStatistics-Crashandcasualtycrashes/CrashesCasualtyCrashes
3. Data Source: Business Information Warehouse – Traffic Accident System, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. Data as of March 31st, 2023. Retrieved from Injury Data Online Tool (iDOT), BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, 2023.
4. Data Source: Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Ministry of Health, BCIRPU Injury Data Online Tool, 2021.
5. Rajabali F, Zheng A, Turcotte K, Bruin S, Pike I. (2022). Cost of Injury in British Columbia 2022. BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit: Vancouver, BC. [Cost from 2018 converted to 2023 dollars using the Bank of Canada inflation calculator]
The BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit is a leader in the production and transfer of injury prevention knowledge and the integration of evidence-based injury prevention practices in the daily lives of those at risk, those who care for them, and those with a mandate for public health and safety in British Columbia.