Sport & Recreation

Sports and recreational activities have benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Fractures are the most common sport and recreation injury among children and youth ages 5 to 19 years.2


Physical activity can have a positive impact on physical health, by improving strength, and cardiovascular and brain function, as well as on mental health by reducing anxiety and depression. Outside of sleeping time, adults are sedentary for 9.6 hours a day, and children and youth 8.4 hours a day.1

It is important to be aware that increases in physical activity may result in increased risk of injury. Injuries from sports and recreational activities that result in hospitalization are most common among children and youth aged 5 to 19-years-old.

Fractures are the most common injury for children aged 5 to 19-years-old. Other injuries from engaging in sports and recreational activity include concussion, internal organ injuries, and intercranial (inside the skull) injuries. 3

Injuries can happen during regular physical activities that children engage in:2

  • 5 to 9-year-olds can get injured playing on the playground and while cycling, often injuring their shoulders and upper arms.
  • 10 to 14-year-olds can get injured while cycling, skateboarding, skiing, and playing on the trampoline, often injuring their elbows and forearms.
  • 15 to 19-year-olds can get injured while cycling, skiing, or skateboarding, often injuring their knees and lower legs.

Playground injuries (monkey bars) are the leading recreational activity resulting in injury hospitalization for children 5 to 9-years-old.2


Active and Safe Central

Active & Safe Central is a resource for children, youth and adults who engage in or facilitate sport and recreational activities, providing information on common injuries, risk factors, and injury prevention for their activity of choice. Funded by the BC Alliance for Healthy Living, this website has information on over 50 activities, including volleyball, basketball, skiing, snowshoeing, gymnastics, and martial arts.

SHRed Concussions

Researchers at BCIRPU are conducting a study to improve recognition and management of sports-related concussion in youth. Surveillance in High Schools to Reduce Concussions and Consequences of Concussions (SHRed Concussions) is a multi-year longitudinal, Canada-wide, cohort study aimed at reducing the burden of sport-related concussions and their consequences across youth sport populations. Researchers are recruiting high school athletes who participate in rugby.

Visit the SHRed Concussions study page for more information.

The impact of COVID-19 on high school student-athlete experiences with physical activity, mental health, and social connection (2021)

COVID-19 restrictions led to reduced levels of physical activity, increased screen time, and declines in mental health in youth; however, in-depth understandings of the experiences of high school student-athletes have yet to be explored. To describe the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic on student-athletes’ physical activity, social connection, and mental health, 20 high school student-athletes living in Calgary, Alberta participated in semi-structured interviews, designed using phenomenography. The results were published in 2021.

Off-road cycling is the leading sport resulting in injury hospitalization for ages 10-19 years.2


There are a number of things British Columbians can do to prevent serious injuries when engaging in physical activity.

Get Ready

  • Fitness and conditioning: Improving fitness can help reduce risk of injury. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity each day, in addition to participating in a particular sport. Have an annual check-up to ensure fitness to participate in chosen sports. Discuss any concerns with your doctor.
  • Chat with the coach or supervisor: Provide emergency contact information as well as details of any medical conditions or allergies. Check that the organization is prepared to handle emergencies and that staff are trained in first aid practices and CPR. If applicable, ensure that adequate practice time is provided to learn how to play safely, and to build skills and conditioning.

Get Set

  • Wear proper equipment: Correctly fitted equipment can prevent injury. Get the right gear for each sport, make sure it fits, and wear it properly every time you play.
  • Wear a helmet when applicable: Recreational activities with a high risk of head injury include cycling and mountain biking, skateboarding and inline skating, skiing and snowboarding, and sports such as hockey, football, and lacrosse. While helmets cannot prevent concussion, they can reduce the risk of serious brain injury.
  • Do a safety check: Inspect the playing grounds and equipment to make sure they are up to standard and remove any potential hazards. This includes playground equipment and the surfacing material used underneath the equipment.
  • Prepare for activity: Get a good night’s sleep, eat a balanced meal, and warm-up and stretch before every practice and game.


  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after play, especially if it is hot outside. Take a water break at least every 15 to 20 minutes to stay hydrated.
  • Be a good sport: Be responsible for your own actions and take steps to protect yourself and others from injury. Encourage fair play in sport and model respect and sportsmanship in the presence of others.
  • Supervise young children: Ensure that the activity is age-appropriate, such as the size and difficulty of playground climbing structures. Stay within arm’s reach if there is a risk of the child falling. Also, be aware of any drowning hazards in the area such as streams, ponds, or pools.
  • Know what to do when something happens: Don’t play through an injury. Injured athletes should be examined by a physician, preferably one with experience in sports medicine.
  • Know how to report an injury. Support a positive and encouraging environment for reporting and be there for teammates who are off with an injury.
  • Be Aware: Know the signs of a concussion and speak up if you suspect something is wrong. Learn more about concussions on our Concussions page or

For more information on preventing injury in a particular sport or activity, visit


Related News

1. ParticiPACTION Key Statistics and Facts. Available from:

2. Data Source: Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Ministry of Health, BCIRPU Injury Data Online Tool, 2018.

3. Randsborg, P.-H., Gulbrandsen, P., Šaltytė Benth, J., Sivertsen, E. A., Hammer, O.-L., Fuglesang, H. F. S., & Årøen, A. (2013). Fractures in Children: Epidemiology and Activity-Specific Fracture Rates. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 95(7).