Cost of Firearms Report- Coming Soon

July 7, 2021
Violence Prevention

Although there are a multitude of incidents that result in firearm injury, it is well known that gang violence is one of the major contributors. British Columbia experiences high rates of gang violence, much of which is firearm-related. These incidents are not only a significant ongoing threat to public safety but also a tremendous financial burden.

In May 2020, the Policing and Security Branch partnered with the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit to conduct an evaluation of the costs associated with firearm injury in B.C. The goals of this report are to increase knowledge of the costs and impacts of firearm injury, and to demonstrate the value associated with the removal of illegal firearms from B.C.’s communities. As such, findings from this report have key implications for the evaluation of existing provincial firearms initiatives and will inform the development of future firearm-related initiatives and policies.

Read more about the Cost of Injuries:

Cost of Burns Among Young Children

Cost of Abusive Head Trauma

Cost of Injuries- 2018

The study has now been published. Read the study.