Francophone fall prevention materials and messages

April 10, 2019
Falls - Older Adults

BCIRPU received funding from the Francophone Affairs Program to distribute fall prevention messages to French-speaking older adults and their caregivers in BC.

Posters, website pages, and social media posts and paid ads were translated into French. The multi-platform campaign saw great success in many areas, all supplemented by excellent engagement and participation from the health authorities. French Facebook ads reached 4,065 people and generated 28,689 impressions. From December 1, 2018 to March 28, 2019, French pages on received 178 total pageviews; and there were a total of 2,655 visits to 1,933 (72.8%) of those visits came from British Columbia.

Survey respondents asked to evaluate the English and French campaigns found the information around preventing falls through physical activity most helpful, and the majority found it helpful to have fall prevention information provided in French. now offers French resource pages for seniors and healthcare practitioners, and French posters are available for download.